Recycling vs. Upcycling vs. Repurposing – Which is Best?

Recycling Vs Upcycling Vs Repurposing Which Is Best

Recycling, upcycling, and repurposing- three terms commonly used to describe different ways of utilising existing resources. With the climate crisis intensifying year by year, a lot of people are finding more and more ways to reuse already processed resources instead of throwing things away and buying a brand-new product. But what are exactly the differences between these three terminologies? And between recycling, upcycling, and repurposing, which one is actually best? In this blog article, Ridly, Australia’s premier rubbish removal service is going to answer these questions.

Recycling vs. upcycling vs. repurposing – what’s the difference?

When it comes to discerning recycling vs. upcycling vs. repurposing, it’s no wonder you’re confused. While used interchangeably, the definition of each term is actually unique. Let’s break down each:


Recycling refers to the process of converting waste materials into new objects or materials. As an alternative to conventional waste disposal, recycling focuses on saving valuable materials and using these materials to form new ones.

Recycling involves melting down the raw material to be moulded into new product. The original product gets destroyed in the process, but the materials are reused to create another product. Examples include glass bottles or paper; both can be used to create new glass bottles or paper. Instead of wasting new resources on creating these products, the old are recycled to make way for the new product.

What Is Recycling



Upcycling refers to the process of enhancing an older or damaged product. The use of the product remains the same; however, upcycling improves the overall look and purpose. For example, upcycling became all the rage in the 1990s as global warming awareness spread, and rather than purchasing new furniture, many turned to upcycling their existing chairs, couches, and other household items.

Upcycling is a fantastic solution for older, slightly damaged furniture and household goods. Upcycling offers an energy efficient method of transforming older products, without utilising the energy required to recycle raw materials for a new product. Upcycling is often achieved through repairs and restorations and will include painting, new upholstery, and enhancements.


Repurposing refers to giving your old item new purpose. Unlike upcycling which incorporates improving a product for the same purpose, repurposing refers to using a product to serve a new, different purpose.

Examples of repurposing include using an old ladder as a piece of furniture in your home, turning old pieces of furniture into planter boxes, and repurposing mason jars for vases or water glasses. The main goal of repurposing is to give something that would have otherwise been thrown out, a new purpose.

What’s the difference between recycling, upcycling, and repurposing?

While the three terms recycling, upcycling, and repurposing may sound similar, each refer to their own process of re-using existing materials and are very different. The main differences between recycling vs. upcycling vs. repurposing are that upcycling and repurposing refer to the process of fixing/improving existing materials, and recycling refers to melting down old products in a recycling centre.

Upcycling Vs Repurposing

Recycling vs. upcycling vs. repurposing: Which is best?

When comparing recycling, upcycling, and repurposing, there is no definitive answer as to which is the best option. The fact of the matter is, not every product is going to be suitable for recycling and not every material is going to be ideal for upcycling or repurposing.

The recycling process is about breaking a product back down into its materials and creating something new out of it. Recycling is the most scalable sustainable solution of the three as it can occur commercially, across a wide range of products and materials. Upcycling and repurposing are fantastic solutions if you fancy yourself a bit of a DIY expert.

However, all three processes are a form of recycling, as whether you’re recycling items, upcycling, or repurposing, the items are given a new opportunity and a new ‘cycle’, instead of being dumped in landfill.

Wrapping up

Whether you’re recycling, upcycling, or repurposing, you’re contributing sustainable waste management methods for a better, more sustainable planet. At Ridly, we’re all about sustainability. If you’re unable to recycle, upcycle, or repurpose yourself, call in the experts at Ridly rubbish removal to take care of your waste for you. Our mission is to provide the most responsible and sustainable waste collection in Australia. Wherever we can, we always aim to recycle, upcycle, re-use, and repurpose. For more information, get in touch with our friendly team today or enquire online for a quote.

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